Eating Disorders

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How You Can Help

According to SomethingFishy,a nationally well-known website that holds all sorts of information about eating disorders...
You can help a friend, family member, or yourself by...
Telling someone/Talking to someone: Find someone you can trust- mom,dad,sister,brother,aunt,uncle, grandmother,grandfather,cousin,friend,or teacher.  It is hard to find someone you can really trust and rely on, truthfully, it's scary, BUT, there is someone waiting to listen to you and try to help you.
Admit you have a problem and admit you need help: This is another hard step but once you realize you do have a problem, the faster and easier the transition will be in getting help and recovering. Once you admit you have a problem you will be more motivated to get help.  You MUST admit you have a problem to get rid of the problem.
Realize you are NOT alone: You are not alone and never think that way. You may think you have no one to turn to but it is only negative thinking. If you look, you will find people that want to support you and are waiting to help you.
Find Help~treatment, therapy, support groups: Always remember that you are entitled to find the right kind of treatment and choose the doctor you are most comfortable. You are the one with the power to pick and choose what treatments are helping you the most.
~These steps are very hard but very important. If you want to recover you need the desire and motivation. But, you can and will get better and recovernothing is impossible. (SF)
Positive methods of dealing with your emotions and stress:

-Hug someone.

-Talk to someone.

-Write in your journal.

-Listen to your favorite music.

-Rent a movie.


Grounding methods when you when you feel out of control:

-Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

-Change your environment.

-Talk to someone.

-Fight the voices - change the negatives to positives.






Information about eating disorders for kids, teens, and adults.
By: Susan Yi & Jake Nantz